

加入日期:2020-11-10  浏览次数:4027

贺斯雪(已毕业)Sixue He
办公地点 浙江大学农生环大楼C1316
联系电话 - -
邮箱地址 hesixue@zju.edu.cn


2021.03-至今       浙江大学          土壤学            博士

2017.09-2020.06 湖南师范大学    自然地理学    硕士

2013.09-2017.06 西华师范大学    地理科学       学士


1. He, S. X., X. Wang, X. Wu, Y. L. Yin, and L. Q. Ma. 2020. Using rice as a remediating plant to deplete bioavailable arsenic from paddy soils. Environment International 141: 105799. 

2. He, S. X., X. Wang, C. J. Zheng, L. Yan, L. Li, R. Huang, H. Wang. 2020. Enhanced arsenic depletion by rice plant from flooded paddy soil with soluble organic fertilizer application. Chemosphere 252: 126521. 

3. Wang, X., R. Huang, L. Li, S. X. He, L. Yan, H. Wang, X. Wu, Y. L. Yin, B. S. Xing. 2019. Arsenic removal from flooded paddy soil with spontaneous hygrophyte markedly attenuates rice grain arsenic. Environment International 133: 105159.

4. He, S. X., Chen, J. Y., Hu, C. Y., Han, R., Dai, Z. H., Guan, D. X, and L. Q. Ma. 2022. Uptake, speciation and detoxification of antimonate and antimonite in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris Cretica L. Environ Pollut 308: 119653.