

加入日期:2020-11-10  浏览次数:5157

韩冉(已出站)Ran Han
办公地点 浙江大学农生环大楼C1316
联系电话 - -
邮箱地址 hanran0725@163.com


2023.01-至今         浙江农林大学  环境与资源学院 副教授

2020.04-2022.12   浙江大学  农业资源与环境 博士后

2016.09-2020.01   中国科学院大学(培养单位:中科院沈阳应用生态研究所)


1. Han, R., J. Y. Chen, S. X. He, C. J. Liu, Z. H. Dai, X. Liu, Y. Cao, and L. Q. Ma. 2023. Phytate and arsenic enhance each other's uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata: Root exudation of phytate and phytase, and plant uptake of phytate-P. Environmental Science & Technology 57(1): 190-200.

2. Han, R., J. Chen, S. He, Z. Dai, X. Liu, Y. Cao, and L. Q. Ma. 2022. Arsenic-induced up-regulation of P transporters PvPht1;3-1;4 enhances both As and P uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittataJournal of Hazardous Materials 438: 129430.

3. Han, R., H. P. Dai, L. Twardowska, J. Zhan, and S. H. Wei. 2020. Aqueous extracts from the selected plants used as soil additives significantly improve accumulation capacity of the hyperaccumulator Solanum nigrum L. for Cd and Pb. Journal of Hazardous Materials 394: 122553.  

4. Han, R., H. P. Dai, J. Zhan, and S. H. Wei. 2019. Clean extracts from accumulator efficiently improved Solanum nigrum L. accumulating Cd and Pb in soil. Journal of Cleaner Production 239: 118055.  

5. Han, R., H. P. Dai,  L. Skuza, J. Zhan, and S. H. Wei. 2019. Stem aqueous extracts of accumulator Bidens tripartita L. strongly promoted Solanum nigrum L. Cd hyperaccumulator from soil. Plant and Soil 443: 401-411.  

6. Han, R., H. P. Dai, C. J. Yang, S. H. Wei, L. Xu, W. Yang, and X. K. Dou. 2018. Enhanced phytoremediation of cadmium and/or benzo(a)pyrene contaminated soil by hyperaccumlator, Solanum nigrum, L.. International Journal of Phytoremediation 20(9): 862-868.

7. Liu, X., R. Han, Y. Cao, B. L. Turner, and L. Q. Ma. 2022. Enhancing phytate availability in soils and phytate-P acquisition by plants: A review. Environmental Science & Technology 56(13): 9196-9219.7. 

8. Dai, Z. H., S. Ding, J. Y. Chen, R. Han, Y. Cao, X. Liu, S. Tu, D. X. Guan, and L. Q. Ma. 2022. Selenate increased plant growth and arsenic uptake in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata via glutathione-enhanced arsenic reduction and translocation. Journal of Hazardous Materials 424: 127581.

9. He, S. X., J. Y. Chen, C. Y. Hu, R. Han, Z. H. Dai, D. X. Guan, and L. Q. Ma. 2022. Uptake, speciation and detoxification of antimonate and antimonite in As-hyperaccumulator Pteris Cretica L. Environmental Pollution 308: 119653.

10. Sun, D., W. Zhang, H. Feng, X. Li, R. Han, B. L. Turner, R. Qiu, Y. Cao, and L. Q. Ma. 2022. Novel phytase PvPHY1 from the As-hyperaccumulator Pteris vittata enhances P uptake and phytate hydrolysis, and inhibits As translocation in Plant. Journal of Hazardous Materials 423: 127106.

11. Dai, H. P., S. H. Wei, L. Twardowska, R. Han, and L. Xu. 2017. Hyperaccumulating potential of Bidens pilosa L.  for Cd and elucidation of its translocation behavior based on cell membrane permeability. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24(29): 23161-23167.

12. 韩冉, 林文挺, 杨鹏, 黄振,刘明华,程扬健. 2015. 微藻矿化去除Pb2+的研究. 高校地质学报 21(4):608-615.

13. 魏树和, 徐雷, 韩冉, 窦薛楷, 杨微. 2019. 重金属污染土壤的电动-植物联合修复技术研究进展. 南京林业大学学报(自然科学版) 43(1): 154-160.


1. 国家重点研发计划“场地土壤污染成因与治理技术”专项,课题污染场地土壤和生物中重金属赋存形态及空间变异特征(2018YFC1800501),2018.12-2022.11,参与。

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,龙葵对镉超富集的差异蛋白表达特征及调控机理(31870488),2019.01-2022.12,参与。

3. 国家重点研发计划“农业面源和重金属污染农田综合防治与修复技术研发”,课题土壤重金属植物高效萃取化学强化、活化剂研制与设备创新(2016YFD0800802),2016.01-2020.12,参与。

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,东北地区植物修复镉污染农田土壤主要根/土过程与机理(41571300),2016.01-2019.12,参与。

